Become a Woman of Influence

This masterclass series contains The Centre’s core foundational teachings.

Every woman I have ever coached has wanted one thing… more confidence.

More confidence in herself. Her abilities. Her dreams. Her choices. Her needs. Her commitments. Her voice. Her path.

Can you relate?

Join me as we crack the code to confidence together.

You will learn how to:

  • Get clear on your desire to be a woman of influence and what level of society you are called to serve.
  • Bust the confidence myths that keep you in a loop of confusion and procrastination.
  • Stop abusing your voice so you can use it to wield influence and invoke opportunities.
  • Explore your own energetics to attract opportunities and boost your own wellbeing.
  • Elevate your influence by expanding your network and being a true champion in life.
  • And begin to reclaim that elusive clarity and self-conviction you are seeking!

This is a self-led masterclass series that includes:

5 x 1 hour online masterclasses

A workbook to follow along and take notes in

Daily actions for momentum and quick wins!

Day 1 You As A Natural Influencer
Day 2 The Truth About Confidence
Day 3 The Power of Your Voice
Day 4 Potency of Presence
Day 5 Circle of Champions

It’s not confidence you ultimately seek but clarity of your calling and conviction in your own inner power.

– Cindy


Laura, Australia

Once I started the first unit of the Confidence Code I couldn’t get enough of it! So many amazing things have happened to me because I started applying everything Cindy shared. I went from having a passion project in my head to within weeks of the course finishing, booking a space and promoting my work. Cindy helped me shatter my limiting belief that I didn’t have enough time to connect into what I truly want.

Elizabeth, Canada

If you need an injection of confidence, courage and conviction, take The Confidence Code right now! Seriously.

Dion, England

I gleaned some truly meaningful distinctions for my journey and growth as a leader and influencer in my own right through The Confidence Code. Thank you Cindy!

Eva, Singapore

I was totally blown away by this masterclass series. It was like shaking cobwebs off myself. I feel invigorated and am taking action instead of over-thinking everything and doubting myself.

Nicola, New Zealand

This masterclass has been powerful beyond expectation!